Accredited Training Programs

HLT31120 Certificate III in Non‑Emergency Patient Transport

Designed as an entry level program for people wanting to commence their career as a Patient Transport officer, this also includes 80 hours of work placement.

HLT51020 Diploma of Emergency Healthcare

This course is designed for people who hold a Cert III in Non-Emergency Patient Transport or Cert IV in Health Care and are working as a PTO in the industry and wanting to upskill to an Ambulance Attendant. This includes 160 hours of work placement.

First Aid Training

NPT Heart can also deliver First Aid and CPR courses. Courses are held in house, within a hospital or at another training facility.

HLTAID011 – Provide First Aid

HLTAID009 – Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Please contact for further information on our First Aid courses.

Driving in the NEPT Sector

If you are currently in your 2nd year of Paramedicine or a Enrolled Nurse and are wanting to work in the Non-Emergency Patient Transport sector, NPTs ‘Driving in the NEPT Sector’ is designed especially for you.

Click here to find out more click here.

Accredited Training Programs

Click here to view our course list.

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National Patient Transport (NPT) is a leading private provider of Non‑Emergency Patient Transport, committed to delivering best patient and customer experience, safely and efficiently.