High Acuity Transport Service (HATS)
The NPT High Acuity Transport Service (HATS) has transferred acute patients under the care of Critical Care Registered Nurses since 2005. HATS vehicles are tailored to transfer acute yet haemodynamically stable patients. The service maintains the continuum of complex nursing and medical care required for interhospital transfer of an acutely unwell patient.
Low & Medium Stretcher Transport
Low and medium acuity patients requiring transport by stretcher ambulance are cared for by qualified Patient Transport Officers and/or Ambulance Attendants.
Wheelchair Transport
NPT offers wheelchair transport services as an alternative to stretcher transport where clinically appropriate and safe for the patient. Patient Transport Officers are trained to provide this tailored and valued service offering.
Sedan Transport
NPT offers a sedan transport service for ambulant patients that require clinical support and some assistance to walk. Patients can be wheelchair transferred to the sedan and provided with assistance to sit in the vehicle. If sedan transport is clinically suitable many patients prefer this mode of transport.
Event Standby
NPT provides ambulances to major sporting events throughout the year.